Plenty Valley Community Gardens Presents the
Sustainable Homes Program

Create Energy Efficient Home
6.45- 9.00 Wednesday 10 October.

Energy efficiency experts will show you how to reduce your home’s energy consumption. From simple actions to the more complex tasks of renovating or building a new home. Find out about how you can access the government rebates.

Create Water Efficient Home and Garden
12.30- 3.00, Saturday 3 November.

Capturing and reusing water can save you money and reduce your personal impact on declining water storages. Learn about selecting and installing rainwater tanks, water saving appliances, government rebates and more!

Being Waste Wise and Buying Green
6.45- 9.00 Wed 5 December

Find out about the recycling facilities available in our local region. Learn how you can implement green purchasing in your home or business and the ways you can have a real impact on how products are made and packaged.

FREE Sustianablity Starter Kits, light supper and childminding provided.


To book or ask a question call 8405 3746 or