Saturday 2nd August

Afternoon everyone, hope you are all managing to stay warm and hasn’t it been lovely to see all the rain lately. The garden is well soaked and ready for more planting.

You may have seen on Gardening Australia that now is a great time for planting potatoes, and we have just recently received the new Diggers Club Seed Catalogue which had some very tasty looking potato varieties for sale. Personally I am very tempted. If you’d like to see more then check out their website

Well the next working be is on Saturday 2nd August 9.30am – 1.00pm and we’d love to see you all there. Winter is a great time to get out into the garden, it is cold to start but the work definitely warms you up. Can we suggest to those who do come that they bring a snack, mugs and a thermos of tea/coffee/hot chocolate, what ever takes you fancy and it its not raining we can have a informal brainstorm session about what we can see as the future for our garden.

And don’t forget to tell your neighbours, friends, everyone about our lovely garden, we have space for new plot holders and are always looking for new members.

Let us know if you can make it.